Source code for luma.emulator.render

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Richard Hull and contributors
# See LICENSE.rst for details.

from pathlib import Path

__all__ = ["transformer"]

[docs]class transformer(object): """ Helper class used to dispatch transformation operations. """ def __init__(self, pygame, width, height, scale): self._pygame = pygame self._input_size = (width, height) self._output_size = (width * scale, height * scale) self._scale = scale base_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent self._led_on, self._led_off, self._sevenseg = \ [self._pygame.image.load(str(base_dir.joinpath("images", img))) for img in ["led_on.png", "led_off.png", "7-segment.png"]]
[docs] def none(self, surface): """ No-op transform - used when ``scale`` = 1 """ return surface
[docs] def scale2x(self, surface): """ Scales using the AdvanceMAME Scale2X algorithm which does a 'jaggie-less' scale of bitmap graphics. """ assert(self._scale == 2) return self._pygame.transform.scale2x(surface)
[docs] def smoothscale(self, surface): """ Smooth scaling using MMX or SSE extensions if available """ return self._pygame.transform.smoothscale(surface, self._output_size)
[docs] def identity(self, surface): """ Fast scale operation that does not sample the results """ return self._pygame.transform.scale(surface, self._output_size)
[docs] def led_matrix(self, surface): """ Transforms the input surface into an LED matrix (1 pixel = 1 LED) """ scale = self._led_on.get_width() w, h = self._input_size pix = self._pygame.PixelArray(surface) img = self._pygame.Surface((w * scale, h * scale)) for y in range(h): for x in range(w): led = self._led_on if pix[x, y] & 0xFFFFFF > 0 else self._led_off img.blit(led, (x * scale, y * scale)) return img
[docs] def seven_segment(self, surface): w, h = self._input_size cw, ch = 30, 50 pix = self._pygame.PixelArray(surface) img = self._pygame.Surface((w * cw, h * ch // 8)) for x in range(w): byte = 0 for y in range(h - 1): byte <<= 1 if pix[x, y] & 0xFFFFFF > 0: byte |= 1 # Drop any values > 127 byte &= 0x7F i = (byte % 16) * cw j = (byte // 16) * ch img.blit(self._sevenseg, ((w - x - 1) * cw, 0), area=self._pygame.Rect(i, j, cw, ch)) return img